Software Page
ELIDA Software was used for the research reported in
1987 Cell Sep Meth 4:109,
1984 J Immunol Meth 72:29,
1984 MSc Thesis, and
1981 J Immunol 126:1614.
The algorithms were originally
developed in Pascal on various mainframes during the early 1980's. The software was
recoded with a user interface and translated to True Basic
on a Commodore Amiga in 1985-1987. It has recently been updated to
Version 1.2c for compatibility
with Microsoft Windows operating systems using the current version of
the True Basic language and compiler.
Version 2 of ELIDA Software is in preparation. The new version is being
rewritten with the MathWorks
MATLAB language and compiler, and will have an updated
user interface consistent with today's standards. Meanwhile, please accept the user interface of Version 1.2c "as is"
with an understanding about the era when the code was written, and appreciating the fact that back then developers
had to build everything from "scratch" (meaning there were essentially none of the
libraries, API's, and plug-in modules that are so readily available now).
DORA Software was used for the research reported in
1987 J Immunol 138:333. It was originally
developed in True Basic on a Commodore Amiga in 1985-1987.
Recently updated to Version 1.0a with the current version of True Basic.
Also to be rewritten eventually in MATLAB.
LDACPA Software was used for the research reported in
1980 J Exp Med 151:1372 and
1979 Thymus 1:119. It was originally
developed in Hewlett-Packard Structured Basic on an HP9845A in 1978-1980.
It is not currently supported by the author. LDACPA did have a number of useful features
that were not ported to ELIDA 1; they will eventually be translated for incorporation into ELIDA 2.
If you wish to express any comments about this website and its software,
report a pesty bug in ELIDA 1, or request a new feature or algorithm to be
added to ELIDA 2, please do so on the Contact Page.